WRM provided bespoke occupational bioaerosol monitoring and advised KPS on potential health risks.

KPS Composting Services – Occupational Bioaerosol Monitoring
KPS Composting Services – Occupational Bioaerosol Monitoring
2 minute read
KPS Composting Ltd operate an Open Windrow Composting facility at their site in Isfield, Sussex. KPS wanted to understand the bioaerosol emissions that their staff are exposed to whilst working on the site. WRM worked with KPS to develop a bespoke monitoring plan and advise on the potential risks to their staff.
Sampling Methodology & Risk Review
There is currently no standardised methodology for the monitoring of bioaerosols in occupational settings. Therefore, with KPS, WRM developed a unique, bespoke methodology, based on common principles of similar monitoring methods for environmental contaminants and environmental bioaerosols. WRM staff are members with the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, adding credence to the methodology that has been developed.
WRM conducted a comprehensive literature review to accurately research the risks posed to an individual’s health by the presence of airborne bioaerosols. This review helped guide the development of the methodology and has enabled KPS to better understand and manage their Duty of Care to their employees.
Monitoring Plan & Laboratory Analysis
WRM performed four rounds of monitoring across the year, following our bespoke methodology. Each round of monitoring focussed on bioaerosol exposure to one staff member within the cab of one vehicle used in the composting operation such as a shovel loader or shredder. A different vehicle was chosen each time.
WRM work in partnership with UKAS-accredited laboratories, which is key for accurate analysis of samples collected during monitoring. Working with a UKAS –accredited laboratory ensures that the results are valid, accurate and therefore, provide certainty for KPS.
Review Of Results
Analysis of the individual results enabled WRM to provide recommendations to KPS in terms of controlling the exposure of their staff to airborne bioaerosols. This included engineering controls such as HEPA filter replacements in the cabs and PPE use.