The client initiated pre-application engagement with a Calderdale Council Planning Officer. Following this meeting, WRM prepared the core application, organised the production of required site plans and then managed the submission to the Council. During the process, WRM fully liaised with the client, council planning officer and their associated subcontractor. Following validation, WRM addressed a number of planning issues highlighted by statutory consultees.
Data Request – To initiate the project, WRM organised a mobilisation meeting with the client to further discuss details of the project and what information would be required to complete the application. Following this meeting a data request sheet was sent to the client to complete.
Production of Application – WRM started production with the Planning Statement which involved assessing the development against applicable planning policy whilst also reviewing the proximity to any key sensitive/environmental receptors. Once the data request was received, WRM produced a comprehensive Design and Access Statement which provided the required details of the project.
Planning Drawings – WRM liaised with their selected CAD subcontractor who started production on the site layout and site location plans.
Submission & Further Action – The whole application was submitted via the planning portal to Calderdale Council. During the technical determination phase, the Council requested a number of additional deliverables which were outside the scope of the initial proposals. The deliverables ranged from a Phase 1 Ground Contamination Report to elevation drawings which required WRM to identify a subcontractor who could undertake a topographical survey. WRM addressed each of these issues without delay to enable the application to go to committee.
Outcome – The application went to committee, whereby KWM were granted planning permission. Following this successful outcome, WRM have continued to provide support to the client to address specific planning conditions, such as a detailed design of the new site access road.