Biogen – Waste Procurement

The Brief

A tender opportunity became available for a leading UK food waste recycler to procure source segregated food and source segregated green waste from local authority kerbside collections and household waste recycling centres, for the next 5 years. WRM were appointed by the company to provide support for their tender response, due to WRM’s expert knowledge of the tendering process and proven track record of providing similar support on projects leading to the successful award of waste contracts.

The Solution

Through the vast experience accrued working on previous tender bids, WRM have developed a methodical and diligent approach to supporting clients in completing thorough and robust responses to tenders. WRM approached the tender response for its client through the following stages:

  • Detailed review of tender requirements. This consisted of a careful internal review of the specification and consideration of method statement content for the food and green waste recycling services the client was bidding for.
  • A follow-up meeting with the client to confirm the scope of works and final method statement content.
  • Preparation of the suite of method statements that the client used to support their tender bid, including statements covering the following areas: service management, contractor staff resources, service operation, marketing of outputs, mobilisation and exit plan, health and safety policy and environmental and quality management.

The Outcome

The method statements produced by WRM were used in a strong tender bid submitted to the Local Authority and resulted in the award of the food and green waste contracts. Furthermore, the food waste bid submitted by WRM’s client attained the highest overall technical score during the Tender Evaluation process.

The award of the Food and Green Waste Treatment Services will provide a boost to the business operations of the company, through a guaranteed tonnage of food and green waste entering its sites for the next 5 years.