
Do you need a Fire Prevention Plan?

What is a Fire Prevention Plan?

FPPs are documents designed to address the risk of fire posed by a site and more importantly, to meticulously detail how a site endeavours to minimise this risk.

More specifically, FPPs are developed in line with guidance from the Environment Agency (EA) and are designed to meet the following 3 objectives:

  • minimise the likelihood of a fire happening
  • aim for a fire to be extinguished within 4 hours
  • minimise the spread of fire within the site and to neighbouring sites

FPPs are required for any site which stores any amount of combustible waste and to operators in any of the following sectors:

  • composters (open windrow, IVC and dry anaerobic digestion)
  • agriculture (intensive farming only)
  • incineration
  • combustion
  • paper and pulp
  • cement lime and minerals

EA's Position on FPP

The Environment Agency expects to see Fire Prevention Plans for sites storing combustible material if:

  • they are submitting new permit applications
  • applying for a variation to an existing permit
  • transfers where concerns about compliance history are raised
  • high risk fire sites
  • sites that have had a fire

If your site ticks one of these boxes, you may be asking what is an FPP? And how do I develop an FPP?

What WRM Can Produce

WRM can produce comprehensive FPPs that not only meet the EA’s requirements but provide significant added value to the client. WRM have produced a number of FPPs and are more than capable of incorporating these into any existing management systems that a site may have. WRM can produce original FPP’s or update an existing one to meet the new Fire Prevention guidance (July 2016).

If you would like to know more about WRM’s service offering regarding Fire Prevention Plans then contact our Senior Permitting Consultant, Thomas Broderick via email or contact him directly on 01943 667 039.