- Achieving net-zero carbon targets requires developing renewable energy infrastructure and clean technology, supported by affordable finance and recognised in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 7 and 9.
- Renewable energy and clean-tech projects face investment challenges due to their risk profiles, necessitating independent techno-economic due diligence to assure investors of expected returns.
- WRM’s 130-point checklist for due diligence covers host site, technology assessment, mass balance, supply chain, feedstocks and outputs, off-takes and connections, construction and commissioning, operations and maintenance, health, safety, environmental, and quality, and financial alignment to minimise investment risks.
Our society’s ability to meet net-zero carbon targets relies on developing renewable energy infrastructure and clean technology processes that support the circular economy. This requirement is recognised in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 7 (affordable and clean energy) and Goal 9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure), which outline the necessary infrastructures and technologies. Promoting and ensuring access to affordable finance is crucial for any infrastructure project.
Projects delivering the technologies envisioned by these goals often present a risk profile that creates financial investment challenges. Investors and fund managers need confidence that each project can deliver expected returns, and independent techno-economic due diligence is one approach to gaining this confidence. Project developers and technology proponents also play a role in providing assurance that projects are fully considered and de-risked as much as possible. This can be achieved through an independent assurance review before approaching funders for investment.