
MCPD Permit Deadlines 2018-2030

In the dynamic landscape of environmental regulations, it’s crucial for organisations to stay ahead of the curve. The Medium Combustion Plant Directive is one such directive that demands attention, and as the permit deadlines approach, it’s time for businesses to take proactive steps.

Understanding Permitting Deadlines

Pre-2018 Boilers Require Permits

Boilers installed before 20th December 2018 now fall under the MCPD radar. To comply, organisations must obtain the necessary permits to continue their operations within the legal framework.

Permits for New Boilers (1MW – 50MW)

Any new combustion units such as boilers, engines or turbines, with a rated thermal input ranging between 1MWth and 50MWth, already require environmental permits for operation.

Upcoming Deadlines (Jan 2024 and Jan 2029)

  • By January 2024, existing appliances with a rated thermal input between 5-50MWth must obtain environmental permits to align with MCPD regulations.
  • Looking ahead to January 2029, existing appliances with a rated thermal input between from 1-5MWth must also comply with the MCPD permit requirements.

Emission Limit Values (ELVs) – Jan 2025 and Jan 2030:

On the back of the permitting deadlines, operators must meet relevant specific emission limit values by 1st January 2025 or 1st January 2030. These values are critical to minimising environmental impact and ensuring sustainable practices.

Application Process and Environmental Management

Environmental Management System (EMS) and Application Forms

Organisations must implement an Environmental Management System and complete the requisite application forms to initiate the medium combustion plant directive compliance process.

Dispersion Modelling and Screening Rules:

Depending on the size, location, and combination of appliances, detailed dispersion modelling may be required. Screening rules, such as the distance from ecological receptors, must be considered.

Ensuring Long-Term Compliance

Establishing a comprehensive maintenance schedule, emissions monitoring management plan, and adhering to reporting requirements are integral to meeting the obligations of the permit and emission values.

The MCPD is a pivotal directive shaping the future of industrial emissions. Organisations must proactively engage with the compliance process, embracing sustainable practices to not only meet regulatory requirements but also contribute to a healthier environment. As the deadlines approach, the time to act is now. Stay informed, stay compliant, and contact us for a free no-obligation consultation OR download our free guide!