Today, WRM sent an open letter to Rishi Sunak expressing deep concern over his government’s decision to delay vital net zero emissions targets.

The letter outlined how this policy rollback will undermine the UK’s climate leadership, exacerbate future climate impacts, and incur far greater costs for our communities down the line.

We highlighted the unfounded claims linking climate action to limiting car passengers, imposing excessive recycling bins, leaving us reliant on Russian energy imports and creating new taxes on meat or travel, which are not backed up by any proposed legislation.

The letter urges the government to reconsider this stance, which cannot be justified economically, socially or environmentally, and get back on track with ambitious climate action for the sake of long-term sustainability and justice.

As stakeholders committed to climate solutions, we believe the UK has the resources to reach net zero emissions through strong policies, leadership and coordination. But we need bold vision from our government, not steps backward.

The future of our planet is at stake, and we will continue urging those in power to do their fair share when it comes to urgent decarbonisation.

The time for business growth focussed on climate action is now.


#conservatives #labour #libdems #EVs #electriccars #heat #energy #climateaction #netzero

#decarbonisation #GHGs #emissions #policy #environment #sustainability #leeds #climateactionnow

Photo by Jordhan Madec on Unsplash