Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust – Green Plan

The Brief

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT) approached WRM Sustainability (WRM) to develop a Green Plan. This Green Plan replaces the previous Sustainable Development Management Plan (SDMP). Following on from the success of their SDMP, LTHT required support to meet new national requirements for sustainability. Therefore, they asked WRM to assess their current environmental performance and to identify strategic actions designed to improve sustainability performance. As a result, WRM developed a unique, practical Green Plan for LTHT. In conclusion, WRM provided a bespoke consultancy support package to help to develop their sustainability credentials.


Firstly, WRM worked collaboratively with the Trust to assess their performance to date and to understand successes and barriers to sustainability. Secondly, through engagement with colleagues and our industry knowledge, WRM developed a comprehensive action plan to provide strategic direction to the Trust’s ambition to become one of the greenest Trusts in the UK.

Driver Review

WRM conducted an initial review of the relevant drivers for the Trust. This review considered a wide scope of NHS guidance, national policy and new legislation. Following this review, WRM were in a position to ensure that the plan was up to date, relevant and compliant with the latest drivers.

Assessment of Performance

WRM Sustainability used a number of sustainability assessment tools, to quantify and report on the Trust’s sustainability performance in several areas. Using this assessment, WRM were then able to identify key areas for improvement at the Trust. Importantly, reviewing previous sustainability work highlighted areas of success and previous barriers to success. This was useful in developing an action plan that could be effectively implemented by the LTHT sustainability team.

Carbon Baseline

A carbon baseline was produced by WRM from data provided by the Trust. The baseline provides a clear and concise understanding of carbon emissions at LTHT. Following development of the baseline, WRM were able to provide insight into key areas for action. Accurate assessment of the carbon baseline provides a solid platform to target interventions upon. This process ensures that the Sustainable Action Plan has the largest possible imapct.

Sustainable Action Plan

After assessing the situation LTHT were in, WRM produced a clear and practicable action plan which outlined the next stage in the Trust’s pathway to net zero. The Sustainable Action Plan was sub-divided into multiple sections, all with a specific focus.

The action plan established:

  • specific interventions required;
  • lead persons responsible for overseeing implementation; and
  • suggested timescale for implementation.

Each sub-section can be allocated to a senior manager for responsibility, improving efficiency of implementation. The sub-sections were designed to align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to deliver the Trust’s three key aims:

  • reduce carbon emissions;
  • improve air quality;
  • reduce waste generation.


LTHT have received a Green Plan which delivered on all their requirements. The Green Plan will be submitted to the board for approval. After securing senior level buy-in the Green Plan will be implemented. Implementing this plan will allow the Trust to deliver on the NHS Long Term Plan and move towards a Carbon Net-Zero future.