In order to meet the required due diligence output, WRM mobilised a team with expertise in market research and assessment, agronomy and corporate advisory on M&A activity.
Market analysis – WRM provided a generic market assessment of the regional waste market and provided a professional opinion on potential market growth forecasts in response to a number of foreseeable policy drivers. A key part of the market analysis was critiquing and challenging vendor growth assumption which had been presented in the sales information memorandum.
Competitive positioning – the analysis of feedstock markets was supported by a review of the competitive context in a defined haulage distance of the plant. This included known operational plants, as well as proposed plants that are presently in the planning, permitting, or construction stages. Upon completion of the review, WRM gave further consideration to how the competitive picture impacted on the supply market.
Digestate market assessment – WRM drew on our skills in agronomy to review landbank capacity and risks associated with digestate management from the plant. This work ranged from assessment of storage capacity through to checking application rate and landbank records from existing operations.
Outcome – the outputs delivered by WRM provided the basis of inputs into the financial investment model developed by the client. Potential sensitivity scenarios requiring consideration were also identified. Ultimately, the work was a key input into the clients valuation of the investment opportunity.