The Brief
Leeds City Council is the second largest unitary local authority in England with waste and recycling services being provided to around 300,000 properties. The Authority has worked to double the recycling rate from its 2006 level to around 40%. Despite this increase, Leeds are now working towards a 65% recycling rate by 2035 and are looking to implement further recycling initiatives which may improve performance. Material streams that are not presently collected at the kerbside, including food waste, have been explored through option assessment and feasibility assessment delivered by WRM.
WRM were approached by Leeds City Council to conduct a feasibility assessment of city-wide food waste collections to build on an existing trial food waste collection service that the Authority had implemented in the Rothwell area. Having previously looked at a standalone food waste collection service, the Leeds City Council waste team were keen to explore other collection approaches, such as split body vehicles and food waste pods on alternate weekly collection vehicles.