Teacherboards – Environmental Compliance Audit And Policy Support

Project Brief

Teacherboards are a Skipton based supplier of notice and whiteboard products as well as electronic display and presentation equipment.  The company’s product base comprises items which are manufactured from raw materials, as well as the distribution and supply of other products manufactured and potentially imported by third-party companies.  With a range of operations and supply channels, Teacherboards approached WRM for support to review environmental legislation and compliance across the company.  Further support was also required in drafting an environmental policy statement as the foundation for developing an environmental management system.

The Solution

Following an initial familiarisation audit which identified the scope of Teacherboards operations, WRM develop a register of legal compliance requirements against which the company is obligated.  This framework then provided the basis for an assessment of compliance which was delivered through a combination of documentation and site-based audits.

In parallel with the legal compliance audit, WRM provided support to draft an environmental policy which was supported by environmental targets that Teacherboards wanted to attain.

The findings from the review along with the policy objectives and targets were presented to the company in the form of an environmental improvement plan which was implemented by the Teacherboards management team.

The Outcome

The project provided the basis for addressing a number of minor compliance risks which had been identified during the review of legal requirements.  The structure of the framework and depth of the legal register compiled by WRM provided a framework for assuring future legal compliance, whilst the accompanying environmental enabled Teacherboards to communicate the company’s responsible approach to identifying and managing their environmental obligations.