Warrington Borough Council – Residual Waste, Dry Recycling and Food Waste Procurement Support

The Brief

WRM were appointed by Warrington Borough Council to provide strategic and targeted advice for contract development pertaining to Residual Waste, Dry Mixed Recycling and Food Waste treatment for an upcoming procurement. Tight timescales required certain strategy matters to be addressed during the contract development phase, all of which required careful consideration.

The Solution

A range of inputs were provided by WRM which assisted in the delivery of the procurement process in a timely manner. These matters included the following:

  • Development of the background information, selection questionnaire, specification, and payment mechanism.
  • Close working with legal and financial advisers on aspects such as price evaluation and contract development.
  • Development of the response requirements and evaluation framework, including the scoring approach.
  • Production of the ITPD to invite Bidder solutions.
  • Addressing impacts of legislative developments through contract change mechanisms.
  • Assessment of the merits of different contract durations which balance future changes and best value pricing.
  • Attendance at and contribution to Competitive Dialogue meetings following return of ISDS solutions to the Council.

The Outcome

WRM will continue to support Warrington through the evaluation and preferred bidder stages of the procurement.