Wastecycle – Biomass Plant And Drying Facility

The Brief

WRM were appointed by Wastecycle to support in the procurement of a biomass boiler system and drying facility that would support onsite heat demands for drying Solid Recovered Fuel, while utilising Grade B and C waste wood arising onsite as a biomass fuel. Wastecycle had received a range of quotes that varied in scope and detail, therefore a formal procurement process enabled fair comparison of the options.

The Solution

Due to the size and complexity of the project, WRM provided a full tendering service that included the development of a tender pack for bidders, clarification support and tender evaluation. Delivery of the procurement process consisted of the following stages:

  • Development of a tender pack consisting of: technical specification, background information, instructions to tenderers, bid forms and templates and an evaluation framework.
  • On-hand support in responding to any clarification questions that arose from bidders following release of the tender pack.
  • Evaluation of tender responses from bidders, clearly broken down into a matrix scoring each criteria and highlighting areas to request further detail from bidders.
  • An evaluation report, providing a summary of each bid and recommendations for next steps.

The Outcome

Following the conclusion of the procurement process, Wastecycle had all the relevant information required to make an informed and confident decision on how best to proceed with the project.  WRM are providing ongoing support to Wastecycle through this process, which will include obtaining the necessary consents and permissions.