Effective date: 15/11/2023

Our Commitment

Walker Resource Management (WRM) is a highly specialised waste and environmental consultancy operating throughout the UK. As an Environmental Consultancy, we believe that we should set the standard for industry and strive towards being the UK’s leading waste management and organics consultancy. We are committed to achieving the highest standards of quality and environmental performance in all our work. Our aim is to always meet or exceed our customers’ expectations.

WRM is fully committed to a process of continual improvement in relation to environmental and business performance. To facilitate this and fulfil the strategic vision of our organisation, we are implementing a formal Integrated Management System (IMS) which meets the requirements of the internationally recognised standards, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.

Our Responsibilities

Our company quality policy is to:

  • Regularly review our activities to identify opportunities and targets to improve the quality of our work and support our strategic direction;
  • Provide highly professional services that fully satisfy our customer’s requirements;
  • Encourage Suppliers and Customers to adopt practices that will ensure they are operating to the best standard, where possible;
  • Communicate the importance of effective quality management and of conforming to the IMS requirements;
  • Engage, direct and support persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the IMS.
  • Meet and, where practicable, exceed all applicable legal requirements and other requirements related to the company’s quality aspects and service delivery to which we subscribe;
  • Achieve continual improvement in performance through ongoing review of the integrated management system to determine its effectiveness.

Top management is committed to:

  • Maintaining compliance with all statutory, regulatory, legislative and contractual requirements;
  • Setting and reviewing measurable quality objectives and ensuring those objectives are met;
  • Providing the necessary resources and ensuring responsibilities and authorities are determined and communicated throughout the company;
  • Reviewing the effectiveness of the quality management system and assessing opportunities for its continual improvement; and;
  • Ensuring our work is conducted in accordance with stated methods and customers’ requirements.

This policy has the commitment of the WRM team, who will implement this policy in the delivery of our services. This policy shall be reviewed no less than annually to ensure its continued relevance to our business function and shall be available to all interested parties.

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us.

The contents and layout of this report are subject to copyright owned by WRM (©Walker Resource Management Limited), save to the extent that copyright has been legally assigned by us to another party or is used by WRM under licence. To the extent that we own the copyright in this report, it may not be copied or used without our prior written agreement for any purpose other than the purpose indicated in this report. The methodology (if any) contained in this report is provided to you in confidence and must not be disclosed or copied to third parties without the prior written agreement of WRM. Disclosure of that information may constitute an actionable breach of confidence or may otherwise prejudice our commercial interests.