CES – Fire Prevention Plan Delivery

The Brief

WRM were commissioned by Collier Environmental Services Ltd (CES) to complete an application to vary the existing bespoke environmental permit. CES were seeking permission to change their current operation from an AgBag EcoPOD system to an open windrow composting system, increase throughput of accepted waste material from 18,000 to 26,000 tonnes per annum and process up to 26,000 tonnes of soil per annum.

The Solution

One of the components required by this application was a fire prevention plan (FPP) covering the proposed variation. Throughout production of the FPP, WRM were in regular contact with the client to discuss and find solutions to any issues encountered. Management of waste piles, sources of ignition and local sensitive receptors were all analysed to ensure the plan was accurate and would stand up to scrutiny by the Environment Agency.

Issues Overcome

Drainage and Containment – The FPP needs to specify how any fire water produced is contained on site preventing any pollution to the local area. WRM devised a re-circulation system for managing fire water, reducing the total overall storage capacity required under the FPP guidelines. CES have a lagoon (810m3 capacity) and sealed drainage. If the lagoon reaches full capacity the drains can be blocked allowing fire water to flow on to the bunded pad acting as a containment measure.

Water Capacity – The FPP needs to demonstrate the site has access to a sufficient water supply to deal with a fire at the largest waste pile. Access to fire hydrants and the pressure rating can often be below the requirements under FPP guidelines. WRM worked with CES to achieve the required standard by stating that the lagoon will be kept at 50% capacity at all times, water can be recirculated from the lagoon when required and that fresh water can also be sourced from the local fire hydrant.

The Outcome

The bespoke permit variation containing the fire prevention plan was successfully granted on the 02/09/2016.

WRM have an unrivalled performance in service delivery with a 100% approval success rate.