Bryn Group – Multiactivity Permit Application


WRM collaborated with Bryn Group to manage and deliver an application to Natural Resources Wales (NRW) for a new 200,000 tonnes per annum waste transfer and treatment facility. The project based in south Wales consisted of a waste transfer station, in-vessel and open windrow composting facilities, anaerobic digestion plant and an inert waste recovery permit. The project aimed to combine activities on site to be able to treat the wide range of materials handled through the transfer station, maximising the recycling and recovery on site with an new AD plant and enabling the restoration of a former quarry with recovered waste materials.

The Solution

We were retained to fully manage the whole process including working with the regulator and following up on any additional requirements to support the application. WRM applied for four separate environmental permits that were issued to the different companies within the Bryn Group structure. Each permit had separate technical challenges which we provided individual surveys, management plans and risk assessments.

Stakeholder Liaison – As part of the management of the total project, WRM managed stakeholders through regular liaison meetings and conference calls to ensure the project remained on track. A particular challenge was ensuring that each of the technology providers fed into the project appropriately and clear boundaries were maintained between each regulated facility. WRM worked closely with NRW to demonstrate that adequate controls were in place and that segregated regulation could be applied to the different facilities.

Technical Assessment – WRM undertook multiple technical assessments for the applications that included Air Quality and Odour Impact Assessments in line with the Horizontal Guidance set out by the regulator. Additional bespoke assessments were required to ensure that the waste recovery permit was suitable for the target materials and that the local groundwater and soils would not be at risk from this recovery activity. The Waste Recovery Plan was commended for demonstrating the benefit, appropriateness and integration of the scheme with other activities carried out on the site.

The Outcome

The permits were all issued ahead of the construction schedule ensuring that there was no restriction on on-going operations. The combined throughput across the treatment technologies is in excess of 200,000 tonnes per annum. WRM continue to work with Bryn Group to further develop the site including procurement support, ABP applications and PAS110/QP implementation and accreditation.