Standard Rules Permits For Waste Treatment: A Visual Route Map
A Visual Guide To Understanding And Selecting The Correct Environmental Permitting Route For The Treatment Of Wastes
Standard Rules Permits For Waste Treatment: A Visual Route Map
1 minute read

A Visual Guide To Understanding And Selecting The Correct Environmental Permitting Route For The Treatment Of Wastes
As you may be aware the environmental permitting regime requires those carrying out specified waste recycling, treatment or disposal operations to hold an environmental permit. It provides operators with a framework for environmental permits, covering a wide range of activities that release emissions to land, air and water, or that involve waste. A key component is that it allows applicants that would otherwise require several permits for activities falling under various regulations on a single site to complete a single application, and to be issued with one permit.
In this guide, WRM presents a visual route map to identifying the correct permit approach for your facility or waste operation. This guide is based upon the approach adopted by the Environment Agency in England and is correct at the date of publication in August 2021. It is worth noting devolved regions have separate regulatory powers, and whilst Natural Resources Wales, the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and Northern Ireland Environment Agency adopt a similar approach, each regulator should be consulted over differences in approach to this guide.