High Hedley Biogas – PAS 110 Certification

The Brief

PAS 110 certification allows operators of Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plants to verify the consistent quality of their digestate which can be used and traded as biofertiliser product. This reduces costs associated with waste handling controls and permits and opens up new market opportunities. High Hedley approached WRM to develop their PAS 110 system from scratch and provide support through the application and audit process.

The Solution

WRM first gathered information of existing operational procedures and management systems. This allowed identification of areas which did not conform to the standard, and areas which required improvement.

Based on the findings, WRM developed a framework for High Hedley to operate in accordance with PAS110 which involved:

  • Development of core documents including: Quality Management System, Quality Policy, Standard Operating Procedures and HACCP Plan (Hazard analysis and critical control points).
  • Establishment of a comprehensive maintenance and monitoring schedule
  • Guidance and templates for effective record keeping of complaints, accidents, training and waste inputs.
  • Training staff about PAS110 requirements and the AD quality protocol.

Once the system was operational, WRM conducted an internal audit to ensure everything was in place ahead of the external audit.

WRM also supported High Hedley through the application process, submitted the application on their behalf, and attended the audit.

The Outcome

WRM have built an effective management system, which allows High Hedley to demonstrate full compliance with the PAS 110 standard. This ensures that their digestate is continuously fit for purpose and has been produced under more sustainable practice.

With WRM’s support, High Hedley gained certification of PAS110 first time in December 2016. Since achieving PAS110 certification, High Hedley have avoided deployment fees and are now able to expand their customer base beyond their own operations.